We serve as your Neutral Broker to Catalyze Public-Private Partnerships in Health Care
As a Boutique
Consulting Firm,
we understand your problems.
We are practitioners and experts coming from the clinics, academia, pharmaceutical industry, hospitals having worked and negotiated with payers, policy and all 5P leaders.
We combine deep health care expertise with agility & empathic customer-centricity.
Acting as mediators & translators, we help you reconcile the many diverging 5P interests and help you WIN.
WHAT’S IN IT? We Help you to:
- Break down silos
- Create patient-centric value
- Deliver results to your interests
- Partner on value for health care
- Optimize your returns efficiently and fast
Physicians, hospitals, academia, insurances and other providers are at the frontlines of medical treatment decisions.
The pharmaceutical industry has been leading the development of new innovative medicines. Many times in fruitful collaboration with academia and other 5Ps.
In the 21st digital century, when information is only a fingertip away, the patient’s power as ‘consumer’ is taking on more direct responsibility.
Payers are faced with managing funds while being exposed to high degrees of uncertainty. Sustainability of health care delivery solutions is a key theme that affects all stakeholders.
Since patient safety is an ultimate hallmark to protect, the health care industry is one of the most strictly regulated.
We help the 5Ps to
collaborate and win over value.
Reach your ideal win-win situation through our services:
— Our Principles —
Value Based
Health Care
Delivering outcomes that matter to patients and thus creating value to all actors – instead of selling services, pills & procedures in an outdated fee-for-service system – is the galvanizing North Star that will generate benefit to all 5P actors. Measuring quality instead of quantity is the holy grail to success.
We help you to get your VBHC project going:
- selecting the right patient population & disease
- creating a multi-stakeholder team
- aligning on digital outcome measures and delivering results
We cater the right network with you so that you can deliver meaningful results.
We apply a world-renown playbook of 7 steps that effectively bridges diverging interests whilst
fostering relationships. It is the perfect recipe to help you win throughout the complexity of the
5P ecosystem!
This #MPC technique is described in much detail in the Founder’s book It Takes 5 to Tango we work on your side to apply this technique for you to win. | It is not those who have the stronger position who will win, but those who remain anchored in a strong joint purpose and who are better prepared. |
We are building bridges
and strenghtening the
interconnectivity of the 5Ps
Workshop at ETHZ
#InsightsFromOurParticipants 🔦 Value-Based Health Care (VBHC) as part of the CAS ETH in Digital Clinical Trials In our recent hybrid workshop, as part of our module on digital study design, we were excited to welcome Verena Voelter, MD, author of the book "It Takes 5...
New – 5PEP, Patient Empowerment Program
📣 Announcing our latest program tailored to patients who wish to become guardians of their own health journey 🌟 #5PEP We are proud to present this innovative program under the leadership and expertise of patient expert and 5P Empowerment Coach Hanna Boëthius with...
*50* anniversary episode with healthcare leader Nienke Feenstra
In this special episode, our CEO & Founder and podcast host Dr Verena Voelter welcomes one of our favorite guests and experts on the collaboration scene in health care --> Nienke Feenstra, GM Takeda in France. She was also recently featured at our...
LetsTalkValue with Dr Detlef Loppow, CEO Martiniklinik
Never loose the focus on what really matters: outcomes & results for patients through excellence in what doctors can deliver Not to be missed for any #vbhc interested listeneres out there! This health system has sustainably demonstrated that a move from a...
LetsTalkValue with Robert Matheis, Medical Communication Professional
Creating VALUE by bringing stakeholders together, early on, and defining outcomes that matter jointly. 🔄 We speak about how linear & insular ways of working of the past have been replaced by connected & holistic cross-functional ways of working. Tune-in to...
Value-Based Health Care — a 5-sided coin?
upon invitation by the THINKERS MAGAZINE at the Value-Based Healthcare Center Europe, Winter’s 2023 edition Read the article on Medium
The Founder
Dr. Voelter is driven by her passion for the patient. This being her North Star for over 25 years, she summarized that experience working in medicine, science & health care in her book, entitled « It Takes 5 to Tango – from Competition to Cooperation in Health Care ».
After more than a decade as a clinician at the patient’s bedside (Bonn, München, Lausanne) and another as an executive in pharma in Europe, the US and Asia (Celgene, Novartis), she came to conclude that a fundamental mindset change is needed.
Value & Cooperation instead of transactional selling & silo-mentality are the 2 key themes that forge her motivation to support you across the 5P ecosystem. She and her team are experts on the ground who will work along your side while you implement your VBHC project and forge your MPC skillset!