It Takes 5 to Tango.

You want to be part of the solution rather than the problem? You are tired from a zillion initiatives? You are curious to learn and want to know how to dance in a patient-centered mode, without fixed rules, but with collaborative principles?

Dr. Volter’s book is a must read for anyone working in healthcare and wondering, how do we move the behemoth that healthcare has become to a different and better direction. Dr. Volter challenges our current model and offers tangible steps for how to shift us from our current blame-game situation to a more collaborative and cooperative model in which we can align the big players in healthcare to a common goal we seem to have lost sight of – delivering good patient care. It is a critical time to heed Dr. Voelter’s call to action as the pandemic has exacerbated the challenges in our healthcare system and we have seen how much we can lose. As she aptly says “our scientific innovations are infinite while our resources to afford those innovations are limited” and the time to act is now.

Danielle Ralic, CEO/CTO and Co-Founder of Ancora.ai AG

Die Komplexität des Gesundheitswesens – mit Akteuren, die nicht unterschiedlicher sein könnten: Patienten, Behandler, Kassen. Pharmaindustrie und Behörden – erfordert eine holistische Herangehensweise. Aber wie können wir dies schaffen und die vielen Hürden meistern? Frau Dr. Volter bietet uns mit ihrem Buch einen exzellenten Wegweiser, mit dem wir durch nutzenbasierte Ansätze in kooperativen Arbeitsweisen genau iene Hürden gemeinsam überwinden können. Der TangoForfive ist ein Muss für ieden, der Teil der Lösung statt Teil des Problems sein möchte!

Ilka Dekan, ehemals CFO AOK PLUS, heute CEO INNO3

As a patient for many decades, I thoroughly and warmly welcome Dr Volter’s insightful
and visionary drive for a much-needed reform in health care. She outlines what’s needed for the future: moving from reactivity to proactivity through collaboration, trust, and empowerment. The book delivers tangible advice – backed by both science and personal experience – making it a must-read for anyone who is involved in health care in any capacity. Let’s dance!”

Hanna Boëthius, Diabetes Patient Expert and Founder at the Low Carb Universe, Switzerland


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