Meet the faculty

Charles Barker

Charles Barker

Prime Movers - Harvard Negotiation Project Alumni

Charles Barker is the Managing Director of PrimeMover Associates, an international firm dedicated to collaborative negotiation and conflict management.  PrimeMovers is a spinoff of the Harvard Negotiation Project.


 For over forty years Mr. Barker has assisted international businesses, governments, and other clients world-wide on their negotiations. He also has served on the faculty of the Uppsala University Faculty of Law and the London School of Economics; taught at other universities; publishes; and has created and appears with the late Roger Fisher in instructional recordings based on Getting to YES.

Nienke Feenstra

Nienke Feenstra

GM Takeda Poland

Delivering outstanding and sustainable results through teamwork & partnership with all stakeholders in health care, is what Nienke really is passionate about: The starting point of delivering results is adding true value for patients, she says.


While Country Head for Takeda in Hungary & Poland, the aim is to build one of the most patient-focused pharmaceutical businesses. This starts by defining ambitious goals in terms of patient value, and orientating all strategies, tactics & processes towards that – fueled by the power of our purpose.

Ms Feenstra feels grateful for her role as President of the trade association of innovative pharmaceutical companies in Poland as it allows her to amplify her impact beyond Takeda. Driving the discussion towards Value Based Health Care where all patients can be treated according to medical guidelines is particularly meaningful for her.


Suzanne Robinson

Suzanne Robinson

5P Medical Affairs Professional & Panel Moderator

Suzanne Robinson is a seasoned Medical Affairs professional in the biopharmaceutical industry. Her exquisite customer focus and strong scientific sense makes her one of the most talented leaders for cooperation across the 5Ps.

She brings her 5P negotiation coaching experience into her sought-after role as a moderator of complex panel conversations. Always driven by her North Star of co-creation options for sustainable value-based solutions in health care.

Yasmin Dias Guichot

Yasmin Dias Guichot

World Economic Forum

Yasmin Dias Guichot serves as Lead of Healthcare Systems Transformation at the World Economic Forum. She practices corporate social responsibility and partnership building with a focus on health information strengthening, healthcare systems resilience, and VBHC.


Yasmin is a co-author of the recent WEF’s Insight Report: The Moment of Truth for Healthcare Spending – How Payment Models can Transform Healthcare Systems. Previously, she was an A.D. at High Lantern Group, a boutique consultancy operating at the intersection of business strategy, policy analysis & public affairs. She has managed and consulted on policy projects providing strategic planning & communications engaging with cross-sectoral stakeholders. Yasmin also has experience working in health philanthropy & academia.

Verena Voelter

Verena Voelter

CEO 5P Health Care Solutions & Host

Verena Voelter is driven by her passion for the patient. As a clinician & business executive, she always puts both the patient’s needs and the health system’s problems at the center of her motivation.


As the CEO & Founder of 5P Health Care Solutions and the Chair of the 5P Cooperation Forum, she supports the continued transformation journey towards outcomes-focused and collaborative value-systems of health. She summarized her 30 years of living at the forefront of health care in her seminal book ‘It Takes 5 to Tango – from Competition to Cooperation in Health Care’.

Pablo Pugliese & Noel Strazza

Pablo Pugliese & Noel Strazza

Tango For Leaders

“Having both been leaders in the corporate world and studied tango for several years, we believe that studying tango can go a long way in creating successful business leaders,” says former president and CEO, Tommy Hilfiger Canada.


Pablo Pugliese and Noel Strazza Tango for Leaders teaching methodology focuses on the understanding and exploration of the Leading-Following dynamics present in dancing as a metaphor for daily life interaction.

In 2019, in collaboration with business leadership coach Michele Wucker (writer of The gray Rhino) and Nancy Ancowitz (former marketing vice president at JP Morgan Chase & Co.) they developed a curriculum for Leadership coaching called Tango for Leaders. They participated in the online edition of “The House of Beautiful Business” and continue their exploration to extend and share what they have learned in the dance world so that others can embrace and apply some of the most important lessons in life, teamwork, relationships, self-confidence and success.

Jörg Goldhahn

Jörg Goldhahn

ETH Zürich - Medical director

As the Medical director of the bachelor program in medicine at ETH Zürich and head of the Institute for Translational Medicine, Prof. Goldhahn is passionate about educating the next generation of physicians and driving the search for novel clinical & digital biomarkers. 


His focus in Outcome Research & Translational Science makes him a prominent leader to foster cross-sector collaborations, always aiming at bringing research findings into medicine for ultimate patient benefit. After earning his M.D. from Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena and a postgrad MAS in Medical Physics & Biomechanics at ETHZ, having worked as a research expert at NIBR, Jörg Goldhahn is now serving as an adjunct professor at ETHZ department for health sciences & technology (D-HEST).

Hanna Boëthius

Hanna Boëthius

Patient expert and 5Proms lead

Hanna Boëthius has lived with Diabetes Type 1 for almost 40 years. As a patient expert, her deep experience has left her with many tricks ‘to roll up her sleeves’ and find solutions quickly and turn them into lasting results. She holds a MSc in Diabetes, is a certified nutrition coach, and now leads the 5Proms clinical program at 5P Health Care Solutions. 


She now has made her work broadly applicable to the entire 5P care delivery chain: providers, pharma, payer, policy, and patients. She has contributed to the book ‘It Takes 5 to Tango in Health Care’ as she stands firmly by her patient peers and is a restless advocate for patients’ rights. As such, she works alongside her coachee fostering a sense of responsibility and empowerment to take ownership of their lives and medical stories.

Kevin Loth

Kevin Loth

Health Care Policy Expert – Head, Corporate Affairs Europe, Beigene

Through trusting relationships and a strong belief in the value of health, Kevin leverages his expertise to enable teams in creating a healthier future for those in need. 


Kevin Loth comes with over two decades of experience in shaping policy in public health with a deep collaborative approach of co-creation among the 5P stakeholders. Today, he serves as Head of Corporate Affairs at Beigene in Europe, and in prior tenures at various leading biopharmaceutical companies has repetitively built fully integrated corporate affairs functions encompassing communication, government relations & patient advocacy. With a commitment to patients with rare diseases, Kevin was the Vice-Chair of the EBE-EuropaBio Joint Taskforce on Rare Diseases and Chair of the IFPMA Working Group on Rare Diseases.

Roi Shternin

Roi Shternin

Patient Advocate, Entrepreneur, Author, Keynote Speaker

After being ill for years, feeling ignored, and left with an uncertain future by numerous doctors, Roi studied for several years in bed to finally diagnose himself with a rare condition (POTS Syndrome). This was his turning point – not just for his own life – but as a motivation to start a medical revolution, save many others’ lives, and promote life in health & fulfillment.


Roi is the founder of the patient-led Israeli Society for Dysautonomia, and of several health startups & NGOs intending to fix the problems in healthcare. Roi served as the first-ever Patient-in-Residence in a Major Health organization and as board member for several others. Roi works as a thought-after international keynote speaker, patient advocate, media personality, and has authored several books. He founded The Patient School, a revolutionary organization that supports patients with empowerment and education.


Please get in touch, we are always happy to discuss any collaboration, share advice or insights.


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